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: exploring sustainable fashion, the great outdoors, and an eco-friendly lifestyle :

: SustainableSunday and the joys of thrifting...

Sunday, October 27, 2019

... no... that's not a pumpkin I'm smuggling under my shirt, but it sure as heck feels like it! 

Yesterday, SunStars and I set out on what was meant to be a quick trip to Denver to try to sell some clothes to a consignment shop, maybe find a fun independently-owned café and grab some java, and look at a few cars since both of our vehicles are 12 years old and have spent the last few weeks alternating which will start and which won't do a thing when we turn the keys (that's been a true treat... let me tell you). 

What I realized as we were wandering around and looking for the aforementioned independently-owned café (we ended up choosing Metropolis Coffee), I discovered that my entire outfit had come out of one thrift store or another.  I know that I write pretty regularly about thrifting, because since high school, I have truly loved the treasure hunt experience that comes with it, but as I've expanded a bit and have not wanted to spend a ton of cash (... you know... because new cars and baby and such), thrifting has become part of the monthly rotation of errands.  For very little money, I've been able to cobble together some wardrobe staples that can accommodate my changing size, but will still be kind of awesome once Tater Tot is born. 

Here's a brief rundown on what I've got going on here: 

: I made the hat, but the yarn was thrifted
: the tee was thrifted (originally with the purpose of getting it screen printed by a co-worker)
: the plaid shirt was a $2 wonder find during a weekend thrift store sale
: the jeans were originally purchased when I worked in a store at a mall.  The color started to wash out, but they still fit really nicely, so I ripped them up with scissors and sandpaper to re-vamp them a bit.  I can't zip or button them with my pumpkin belly, but they still work! 
: the booties were recent finds from (save 35% with code: GREENCHIC35) 
: the sunglasses are not thrifted, but are made of sustainable wood
: all of the jewelry is handmade, some is fair trade

When I got dressed, I had absolutely no intention of creating a thrifted outfit.  It kind of just came together, which goes to show you that thrifting truly is a sustainable way to shop and still be relatively in style! 

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