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Cache 'ya later...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tout le monde, I'd like to share with you one of the dorkiest things I think I'll ever do... but only because I am only 50% ashamed to admit how into it I am, and because it is a phenomenal way to experience the off-the-beaten path of a new place for free.  Ladies and gentlemen... I bring to  you..... (drum roll....) GEOCACHING! 

Cast aside all of your personal pride, dignity, etc. and pay attention!  If you don't know what geocaching is (prepare yourself to be gobsmacked at how ridiculous it sounds... and you might want to grab your pocket protector...) it is basically a network of people who are connected through one app or another who like to hide containers, usually just with a rolled up piece of paper or a tiny notebook, but sometimes with goodies, in various places.  

When Trip first mentioned geocaching and tried to explain it to me, I was like, "Nu uh... there is no way you are going to get me to wander around the city like a suspicious Muggle (yes... this term is widely used on the app we cache through) and dig for film canisters just so I can write my name on a piece of paper"... but then I tried it... and got addicted!  

We started geocaching in Munich over the winter and actually ended up finding a couple who were using our same app and looking for the same cache and from then on we were hooked.  We didn't do any caching until we got to Milan, but once we started, we couldn't stop and ended up finding 6 of the 9 caches we were searching for (mostly because they were back in some bushes and the mosquitoes were eating us alive).  

Anyway... we ended up stumbling onto a snazzy abandoned building (my favourite type of place to photoshoot) and some ruins that have been overgrown and look a bit melancholy and sad, but we never would have seen either if we hadn't gone hunting!  

Remember, if you plan to go geocaching but don't have a network, when you have wifi, save your caches so you can access them later.  Many of them will have hints or spoiler photos to help you until you get good at thinking like a cacher (still not there yet!), and always, always, always bring a pen so you can record your name and the date upon which you found the cache!  Trip and I like to be sneaky about caches... cos you never know who is watching you... and you can look uber suspicious (like... some cops found us yesterday and almost chased us away from where we were hunting), so develop a code.  We like to use the whistle sounds from The Hunger Games movies when we've separated but one of us has found the cache!

Dork out, have fun, see cool stuff! 

PS: The app we use is called c:geo.

Tank c/o J.Crew
Pants self-made
Necklace c/o Urban Outfitters
Gladiators c/o Charlotte Russe

Follow along with Blog Lovin

52 comments on "Cache 'ya later... "
  1. Hahahaha sounds like so much fun! LOVE the pants!where are they from?

  2. I saw this on instagram, those trousers are amazing. They are defiantly my style! I love also your style of pose, its fab :) xx
    Heroine In Heels

  3. brilliant! I will be all over this new app. Can't wait to try it on my next travels.

    1. It is ridiculously more fun than it sounds like! I get SO into it and SO frustrated when I can't find caches!

  4. Ah! I want to start doing this! It sounds like so much fun. :3

  5. lol sounds like it could be fun!

    Rebecca {at} Preppy Panache

  6. Beautiful! Love how colorful your outfit is!

    1. Thank you, love! It worked in my head and it ended up working in real life, too! I love when that happens!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Marta! I saw the fabric and the idea for these palazzo pants popped into my head right away!

  8. nice style!

  9. Those pants somehow make me laugh, but not in a bad way! So awesome, every girl should have a pair of these :)


    1. They are super silly, right? I knew I wanted to make palazzo pants and was planning on making a solid colour, but then I saw this fabric and in my weakness for cheetah print, I knew it had to be! I love that I can wear these as PJs or as actual pants!

  10. Such an adorable look dear! Love the bright yellow with those printed trousers! ;)
    Please check out my newest post!

    ❤ Jenny Tsang
    – New Post: Cali Dreamin' –

  11. that is such a cool thing to do! I also like the pants in these photos

    1. Thanks, Dora! Geocaching is ridiculously fun and so are these pants. It seemed only natural to wear them while caching!

  12. Lovely photos!! Those pants are killer! Love them with the lemon tank!

    1. Thanks! I thought it came together well! It was hard to lose me in a crowd in this outfit!

  13. Those trousers are fab and self-made :o
    Great outfit! :)


    1. Thank you! They did turn out rather well, didn't they?

  14. I've wanted to get into geocaching for quite a while now!! It sounds like so much fun. I went on this site and got kind of intimidated by all the rules/norms so I didn't pursue it any further. But I figure I already explore my city through blogging, might as well go geo-caching too!

    Love those fun pants with the yellow top! And the necklace is so pretty.

    -Nathy @ Earnestyle

    1. Do it, do it, do it! I don't know about rules or norms... we just pop up in a city, look up what's around and then usually end up looking uber suspicious and such, but we're getting better! Give it a try!

  15. That sounds so much fun! I definitely would like to try it.

    And your look is so bold! The yellow top, necklace, and the pants! So bright and fun :)

    1. Try it! It sounds goofy, but it is a great way to get into new places and not have to pay for tours AND see things that you wouldn't see on a tour anyway!

  16. The yellow looks great with those pants! Love this entire outfit.

    XO Kay
    Fashionably Kay

    1. Thank you, Makayla! I was so happy with the way this look came together! It's SO LOUD!

  17. you look great

  18. Cool outfit. Love the yellow top.

    1. Gracias! I'm usually scared of yellow because I'm so blonde, but I think this works!

  19. you are looking amazing! and sunny lol
    great outfit

    check out my blog

  20. Hey,
    great pics and a sweet look!

  21. Replies
    1. It is so silly and so much more fun than it sounds! Give it a try!

  22. Replies
    1. Thanks, love! I'm quite happy with the way they turned out! I love when things that work in my head also work in reality!

  23. Absolutely! I've followed you in both places! Are you in Germany? I need more friends here!

  24. I'd love to! I follow you with Blog Lovin! Fabulous fringe top!
