: exploring sustainable fashion, the great outdoors, and an eco-friendly lifestyle :

A confession of sorts…

Friday, July 10, 2015

This is weird, but I have got to get it off my chest.  Ready?  Really ready?  This is a super awkward confession. 

Ok… lately, I have been spending a ton of time talking to bugs.  Yes.  It’s true.  Now, let me explain.

With all of this crazy tie dye, feather, lotus, yoga boho stuff going on, I noticed that I’d been seeing a whole lot of Buddha.  Not knowing much about Buddha, I thought I’d do a bit of reading and educate myself about him and about Buddhism.  One of the things that I walked away from this reading with was the precept of "I will not kill."

Obviously, this is something that I can get behind… except for when it comes to crawly things… spiders in particular. 

And so, this is where my talking to bugs has come from.  Now, when I see a bug that in a former life, I would have grabbed a rolled up magazine and smashed, I now like to have a quick chat with the offending creepy crawly.  I either mentally (when I’m at work because I don’t want people to look at me like I’m crazy and because I have a feeling that bugs are telepathic) or verbally say something like, “Ok, Buggy… I promise not to swat at you as long as you promise not to dive bomb my head,” or “Hey, Mr. Bee, I will totally steer clear of you if you promise to steer clear of me.  And I definitely won’t squish you, but you have to promise not to sting me.” 

So far, it has gone amazingly well.  SB and I went out to dinner the other night and he was getting dive bombed by flies trying to eat his food.  I asked the bugs near me to leave my meal alone and they did.  Even now as I write this, I have a fly patiently sitting about 6 inches away from my right arm.  He hasn’t swarmed my face once and he’s completely left my peanut butter sandwich alone.  I’m also sending telepathic vibes to the 2-inch long horse fly that just zoomed into the building through the open door, zoomed around my head a few times (that’s when I started sending him “Please leave me alone vibes”) and then headed down the hall. 

So maybe the universe and I have managed to reach some level of harmony.  Or maybe I’m just weird and talk to bugs. 

^ Also, pretty fabulous bracelet, non?  It's new from Soufeel!  See links to my charms and a coupon code down below! 

… and in case you're interested in my charms, here they are: 

Grab yourself 5% off any order with Soufeel with coupon code "Ward5off"
21 comments on "A confession of sorts… "
  1. Beautiful !!


  2. Whatever makes you happy, do it.



    1. Haha… so what you're saying is that you think I might be crazy?

  3. I was amused reading this post. I never though of treating bugs this way but i guess there is something to the energy we give off really surrounds our being and reflects onto others (even if its a bug):)


    1. You know, it was one of those wonky sorts of things that just kind of popped into my brain, but I'm glad that it did. Even though I just may be a bit off in the head for it, it's worked. Just about an hour ago, my boyfriend asked me to "talk" a wasp out of the living room and I did and the wasp flew right back out the window!

  4. Lovely outfit! The top looks great.

    Aneliya || sugarfoxy.blogspot.com

  5. loving everything about your look!!:)


  6. I really like your outfit, it's so effortless and seems perfect for a festival! I love your bralet that you wear under your shirt - where is it from? :)

    1. Thank you Ricarda. The bralette came from Deb. I got a few different ones from them and have been wearing them incessantly all summer! They were a great investment!

  7. Ok, I am totally trying this! Great confession! xxx
    www.justemma.co.uk - natural beauty, affordable fashion, everyday life

    1. It has genuinely, totally, really seemed to work for me. I know it sounds nuts, but give it a try!

  8. Awesome shots :) I think you must share your photos on www.voguedrobe.com, too :)

  9. Lol, sounds like something I would do. Love the strappy bra top.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you! I've always wondered what I would look like as a brunette, but I'm terrified to dye my hair!

  11. your totally not alone- I love beetles and butterflies and so was in 7th heaven when I went to the Amazon. But i also talk to them (& anything creepy-crawly) and try and negotiate peace terms!

    Sah xx
