: exploring sustainable fashion, the great outdoors, and an eco-friendly lifestyle :


Monday, June 13, 2016

Every once in a while, things fall into place in just the right way.  You're wearing an adorable outfit, you actually have free time to spend however you choose, and then it happens... you come across the perfect new photoshoot location!  

Yes, tout le monde, the stars aligned for me and I had an absolutely wonderful time playing with trucks.  Well... trailers anyway.  I'll admit, sometimes it's scary to wander around alone in a dress and while carrying a tripod in a place where other people could hide and eat my soul but at the same time, it's pretty exciting.  

I went running up and down the rows of trailers, climbed on them as best as I could, and basically had myself a jolly old time! By the time I headed back to my car, several police cars had pulled into the lot, so I'm glad I got out when I did.  I'll just chalk it up to being another #adventureinfashionblogging.  Remember my last run-in with the 5-0 while blogging?  It's been a while!    

What's sustainable about this outfit? 
: the dress is handmade and fair trade
: rings and bracelets are all hand made

3 comments on "#adventuresinfashionblogging... "
  1. so lovely hun!


  2. I love this dress, so cute!
    Please check out my new fashion inspiration blog: tfmbe.blogspot.com
    Thank you xxx

  3. Great dress, and the location is really interesting. :)
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
    Xoxo, Victoria

