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: exploring sustainable fashion, the great outdoors, and an eco-friendly lifestyle :

Connections and kin...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Mahatma Gandhi once said that "In a gentle way, you can shake the world" and it is with this thought in mind that Rover & Kin came to exist.  This Fair Trade Federation member shop was created to make a difference in the world.  They do so by creating designs that can be handmade using locally-sourced and sustainable materials in a fair trade setting.  This means that all of their artisans receive a fair living wage (about 35% higher than many of their contemporaries) for their work, they are given access to healthcare in small local clinics and larger hospitals, and their children have access to learning centers.  

The artisans employed by Rover & Kin are often the breadwinners of their families and their jobs allow them to send their children to school.  This schooling helps to empower and support small communities while simultaneously preserving the art forms that have existed in these communities throughout their histories. The artisans working for Rover & Kin also receive micro-loans to start their own businesses and other financial assistance since many people do not have access to formal banking systems. 

I was fortunate enough to receive several pieces of jewelry from their current collection to try out and show off.  In these snaps, I've paired their hammered Tara ring with the hammered flipped shapes earrings for a fun, fair trade, winter outfit.  My earrings were beautifully made by a woman named Farzana, which I know because she signed her name on the card on which they came.  I love this personal touch!  Being able to put a name with the jewelry I'm wearing helps to put my mind at ease and always makes me feel a bit more connected to the rest of the world. 

If you're looking to make some connections, some kin-ship if you will, I highly recommend taking a look at their shop!  You can save 20% off of your purchase with code: FAIRTRADE! 

What's sustainable about this outfit? 

: the hat was made with yarn that was going to be thrown away
: the earrings are fair trade and handmade
: the dress is fair trade and handmade
: the sweater was a hand-me-down
: the leggings are fair trade and handmade
: the ring is fair trade and handmade
: the boots were thrifted

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