: exploring sustainable fashion, the great outdoors, and an eco-friendly lifestyle :

In this skin…

Saturday, April 19, 2014

I'm significantly closer to 30 than I am to 20 and still, I find that much of the time, I feel much like a child.  Perhaps it is just an incurable case of Peter Pan Syndrome, or maybe it is just that as I'm getting older, I've begun to care less about what people think about me.  In any case, I find that each day, I learn more about myself and while when I'm not on vacation in a lovely beach town in the south of Spain (as I am in these photos) I work almost non-stop and sleep hardly at all, when I am relaxed, I am now able to really let myself be relaxed… and make silly faces and dance on a bench in front of a gargantuan crowd of Spanish secondary school students as they swarm from their school and onto the shore.  

I can definitely tell you that 10 years ago, I would not have been willing (though I definitely would have been able) to do a full leg extension in a public place in a swim suit and a tunic.  I also would have very much wanted to wear the snazzy, hippie chic (thanks White Plum Boutique/SunFrog Shirts) that I assembled for the day, but I can think of few times in my life that I'd ever felt so comfortable in my own skin. 

… and so… please enjoy some snaps from the sun kissed city of Tarragona, Spain! 

… see what I mean about being more comfortable in my skin?  I can't say that I know anyone else who has done the splits over a Roman aqueduct! 

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27 comments on "In this skin… "
  1. Why are you always so hilarious?! Love how you show your true colors! P.S. paint my nails pleeaaase?! LOVE that color! Essie?

    1. Te he! Thank you! The polish is from Indigo Bananas!

  2. OMG! You are incredibly flexible! I need to start doing some yoga and get in shape! I totally have a peter pan syndrome also!

    xo, Vanessa (Delightful Sunflower

    1. It's a tricky syndrome to have! Sometimes it's a blessing and sometimes it's a curse!

  3. Absolutely beautiful shots! Could you be more crazy flexible?! And there's nothing wrong with being a child in your head...I don't know that I'll ever "grow up"!

    1. I think there is something really great about staying young forever… but I'm probably a bit partial…

  4. So wonderful! It's great that you are willing to let loose and relax being comfortable in your own skin is so important. BTW, love all the "dance-y" shots, your extensions are breathtaking!

    1. Thank you! I'm thankful to be back in the studio getting my flexibility back!

  5. cool bottom dear :D


  6. These pictures are amazing! So beautiful!

    Also, for your readers, I currently have a contest on my blog. The prize is a $50 visa/mastercard gift card for submitting your outfit via a new fashion app. I'd love to see everyone's submissions! Details for entry are on my blog!


  7. I am loving all your pictures and Instagram uploads, they make me miss traveling in Europe so much. I find that as I'm growing up I'm becoming a lot more relaxed and even goofier than before. Also you're sooo flexible! Daaaamn! haha


    1. Thank you! Come to Europe for a visit! We'll take the continent by storm!

  8. I love this post! Yes it is so important to be comfortable in your own skin! :)


  9. You always take the cutest pics!! Absolutely loving your nail polish! And that last picture... dang girl!!! I completely agree about being more comfortable the closer I get to 30!

    <3, Pamela

  10. Beautiful pictures! And your outfit looks so comfy ♥

  11. As I continuted scrolling through your post, I was smiling at EVERYTHING. I kept thinking of more and more things I wanted to comment on. Love your comfortable cute outfit, and happy outlook on life <3


  12. Thank you! I'll check it out right now!

  13. Love these SO much. Such beautiful scenery I'm so jealous you get to live the European life where all these backdrops are so close! And DAYUMM girl that is a NICE leg extension!

