If you've been following the eco-news lately, you'll most likely be aware that last week, Starbuck, quickly followed by Marriott, announced that they will be banning plastic straws from all locations by 2020. It's exciting news for those of us who are fed up with finding plastic straws on sidewalks, in parking lots, and floating in on the evening tide, but now that our society is so accustomed to using straws (and many people with disabilities absolutely rely on them in order to drink), what can we do?
I've shared my Glug Glug straws here before and they are absolutely wonderful for those times when I'm out and about and wasn't prepared with my ready-to-go cup/straw set, but I'm super thirsty. They are easy to carry around in my purse or in the center console of my car, but I don't want them to get dirty. Straw Sleeves are an admirable solution to this problem.
While I'm not a germaphobe (read: I am a special education teacher), taking days off of work because I picked up some nasty bug from a straw that got a bit too friendly with my well-traveled car keys in the depth of my handbag isn't really on the schedule. Straw Sleeves are just what they sound like: sleeves to keep your re-usable straw safe and germ-free. They are all handmade and many of the sleeves in the collection have been ingeniously made from reclaimed denim. They also offer collections made of hemp, cotton prints, and re-claimed denim in earth tones (in addition to a number of different straws and re-usable to-go utensils). They are textured enough that even those slippery class straws won't slip and will stay safe during your travels!
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