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: exploring sustainable fashion, the great outdoors, and an eco-friendly lifestyle :

I'll take the wins I can get...

Monday, September 30, 2019

Mama friends, I've been feeling a bit like I've hit a wall lately.  I will be 30 weeks pregnant on Wednesday and the last week of my life has been one of the most frustrating ever.  I'm exhausted, but cannot sleep due to super strong baby kicks, an overactive brain, and weird digestion.  I thought that I was going to die halfway through the 3-hour glucose tolerance test last week (if the sugar goo wasn't bad enough, my veins were not cooperating and it took 3 (!!!) technicians to get enough blood per draw... my arms and hand are covered in bruises).  I want to work out, but have to modify about 75% of all of the yoga videos I've attempted.  Cardio gets me way too winded.  I've even ended up getting nauseous on a near-daily basis, which is super weird because I didn't experience this during the first trimester! 

I'm a mess! 

I'm a grateful mess, but still a mess. 

Please tell me that all of this is normal... 

On a side note, I somehow managed to totally kick Monday's booty on 3 hours of sleep and in boots with heels.  It was probably just because some students baked me some triple chocolate chip cookies, but whatever... I'll take the wins I can get... 

What's sustainable about this outfit? 

: the scrunchie is fair trade and handmade
: the plaid tee was thrifted
: the maternity tee is made of sustainable Lyocell (get 20% off with code: SIGNESXBOOB20)
: the bracelets are handmade
: the boots were thrifted (get 35% off an order at using code: greenchiclife35)

Maternity tee c/o Boob Design (get 20% off with code: SIGNESXBOOB20) 
Boots c/o (get 35% off with code: greenchiclife35)

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