: exploring sustainable fashion, the great outdoors, and an eco-friendly lifestyle :

Shades of grey…

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Since I somehow ended up wearing about a zillion shades of grey, I figured I'd take this time to hash out something that's apparently been hanging around in my head… you know… buried in the grey matter and such. 

I hate complaining, but 90% of the time that I am with actual adults, that is exactly what I am doing. 

Now, I thought through this and realized that I spend the majority of my waking hours teaching children who complain about EVERYTHING.  I try my best to be Little Susie Sunshine, but let me tell you… inside, I'm screaming ("Stop complaining, be quiet, please listen, I will tell you everything you need to know in order to accomplish these tasks successfully, I don't need to know about the paper cut you got 3 weeks ago, I'm sorry you fell on the stairs and have a bruise the size of a nickel on your forearm, etc."). 

I think that because that ^ is what is going on in my face for anywhere between 4-12 hours a day, once I'm finally around grownups, all I want to do is vent.  And I do.  And I feel better.  But then I start feeling guilty that everything I say is negative and the vicious cycle starts again.  

Blah.  Here's a grey outfit to match the mood over here! 

33 comments on "Shades of grey… "
  1. Cute outfit and pictures


  2. I am always wearing grey also, hehe!

  3. Vent away, we are here to listen. I love visiting your blog to read your posts and see all your stylish outfits. Thanks for another great post. Keep up the great work!



    1. Thank you! I hate that I've been on a venting rant all week!

  4. You look super cute! You always have the best jewelry, Signe. :-)

  5. I love this outfit. I think those pants are my favorite. Lately I've been noticing myself complain more because of changes that happened at work. You know, work can really affect the way you are in your personal life too. I used to be able to leave work and leave all the troubles in that building but now it follows me home. Crazy how being a grown up can sometimes stink haha.


  6. I love those joggers, so comfy yet chic!

    - Liz
    Check out my latest post: http://www.lizlizo.com/fashion/swinging-asymmetrical-hemline/

  7. Cool look!

    I am following you on gfc, would you like to follow me back so we can stay in touch?


  8. Gorgeous outfit! I absolutely love wearing grey!

    Be sure to check out my polaroid camera giveaway!

  9. Spending a little time catching up on your posts, and listening to your coffee house mix while I clean. :)
    Emily | faitboum.com

  10. First and most importantly loving the outfit!!! After moving to Poland I realized how much people her complain and generally how negative they are compared to Vancouverites. I've had to make a huge effort to stay positive, so I hear you!

    1. I feel like I've heard that about Poland! We stayed with a Polish family in Dublin and they told us the same thing! They had to leave Poland to get away from a lot of the negativity! Hang in there! We'll stay positive together!

  11. You have such an original and unique style, I love it so much!

  12. I'm like that as well. I hear myself complaining and I want to stop, but sometimes it's like you just need to get it out! I've definitely had a couple of negative days recently, so I'm trying to draw in all the positive energy I can! Sometimes you just need a little bit of Bob Marley - "Don't worry, about a thing..." :) xxx
    www.justemma.co.uk - a fashion, beauty & lifestyle blog

    1. You sound just like my dad! He sent me an e-mail with a link to "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" from Monty Python!

    2. Great minds, haha. :) xxx

  13. I'm really into grey right now so I obviously love this outfit. Poor you hun, I think I would go crazy. xoxoxo

  14. you look so adorable in these photos. totally love this easy going but yet somehow chic look


  15. Cute outfit! I need those joggers in my life!
