: exploring sustainable fashion, the great outdoors, and an eco-friendly lifestyle :

#SustainableSunday with Oka-B...

Sunday, July 1, 2018

If you've ever driven between Vegas and LA, there is a good chance that you've noticed an abandoned, graffiti-covered, waterpark out in the middle of the desert.  I got my first glimpse of this place almost 2 years ago and on every trip, be it during the day or the night, have wanted to stop and do a bit of urban/desert exploring.  Well, Green Bees, since I will be moving to Denver, I knew that I only had one more shot to check it out.  I finally figured out how to get into this place (note: the gate is open and there aren't any "NO TRESPASSING" signs, so I didn't break any laws here).  The waterpark initially opened in 1962, changed hands several times and has been mostly abandoned since the early 2000s.  I've read that it was featured in a Mini Cooper commercial, has been used as the backdrop in video games, and that Muse shot a music video here, which is all super groovy, but what I really want you to see here are these sandals.  

They come from a women led company called Oka-B and are made of recyclable materials.  Seriously... if you order a pair and wear them out, their website lists a mailing address that you can use to return your sandals for recycling AND get a 15% discount code for your next purchase!  All of the shoes from Oka-B are made out of something called Microplast (not "micro plastic"), which is a lightweight, flexible material that can be easily cleaned (in the washing machine or even in the dishwasher) and as aforementioned, is also recyclable.  

The Grace sandals that I wore on my urban/desert exploration are super comfy.  They can bend, so I was able to climb up onto various surfaces to explore, and the soles are textured, so each step was like getting a little massage.  The bottoms are grippy, so while climbing around, I still felt stable and like I could trust my footing, even if I was doing something rather unconventional.  These particular sandals were perfect with my repurposed jeans and casual tee, but I can also see myself dressing them up for a nice dinner with family.  

If you head over to the Oka-B website, you can take a look at their entire range of sandals and flexible ballet flats.  They even make sandals that are snazzy enough to wear for weddings!  Don't believe me?  Check it out! 

What's sustainable about this outfit? 

: the jeans were up-cycled
: the bracelets are all handmade
 : the necklaces are handmade
: the sandals are made of recyclable bio-based components

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